A big thank you to everyone who's already created an account on STLMM's brand-new website! 🎉 If you haven’t yet, check out this quick reel to see just how simple it is to create your website account.
Why create one, you may ask? Here’s what awaits you:
💬 Join larger discussion groups like "Marathi Gappa"
👥 Create and manage your own smaller groups with like-minded community members. (with admin approval & guidelines)
📸 ^ Access exclusive photo galleries and shared files
📑 ^ View important STLMM governance documents (like bylaws, AGM presentations, etc.)
👍 ^ Like, comment, and engage with pics, videos, and blog articles.
And there’s a lot more!
📲 You can even download the mobile app to carry the website in your pocket and do all of this from an app.
Make sure you take advantage of all the features available on our digital platform by setting up your website account today!
Once you create a web account, we will have to verify your paid membership status in the backend before giving you all the right permissions, so please be patient as some pages (like Shared Gallery etc.) will still show "do not have access" message. We will give you that access as soon as possible.
STLMM is going digital...so help us, help you. See you there!
Just as a FYI, besides group/chat functionality everything else (tagged as ^ above) needs a paid STLMM membership.